The clubhouse is available for events, workshops, and parties for all members. Parties are really important to the club. It’s a great way for members to be able to use the space, and it generates income for the clubhouse to be able to pay our rent and bills.
Members can use the bar for small gatherings (birthday drinks etc), these are fine without booking. However, for larger events like parties, booking and advanced notice is required.
Small gatherings that might need additional things like use of the pizza oven, marquees, opening earlier etc then need prior agreement and booking in the diary. If you're unsure then please speak to a committee member/email us.
We really encourage any events, workshops, talks etc in the club house and may also be able to have these on the non- bar days, Speak to a committee member in the first instance with any ideas.
Parties/events are only confirmed once agreed through the process and in the google calendar.
Click on the headings below to read more about details and how to book.
There is a handful of basic info which is the foundation of how we use the clubhouse for parties:
We only have parties/events on the days and during the hours the clubhouse is open (Wednesday, Friday Saturday and Sunday evenings)
Only members can have a party in the clubhouse, so the first thing you need to do is make sure your membership is up to date.
We do not allow private parties so anyone from the marina who is a member will also be able to use the clubhouse. Any ‘outsiders’ have to pay £1 guest membership and are the responsibility of the host and need to be accompanied when on the marina (as per our mooring agreements)
For parties with more than 20 people from outside the marina you’ll need to find someone to work on the gate for you (has to be someone who is familiar with marina residents) for the hours that most of your guests will be arriving.
Depending on how many people you think will be at the party, we will probably need to get an additional bar person. Ideally you would help us find a volunteer for this. If we can’t get a volunteer from the usual suspects then you will need to pay for someone to cover it (£11 per hour). No bar staff means the bar can’t open.
All drinks must be sold through the bar, but we can get in almost any drink you would like if you provide us with enough notice. If you want to provide your own drinks to be sold through the bar these are at a £1 corkage fee (per drink).
Only 50 people are allowed in the clubhouse at a time, we have marquees to use for outside space if needed
The outside area must be clear and tidy when the bar closes so consider any after party plans
After your party you have to make sure that the area is tidied up and fully clear. Most of the cleaning should be done on the night and fully cleaned up the following morning. This includes the outside area and includes glasses, decorations, food, empties, gazebos etc. It's important for future parties and our relations with the marina that the whole area including outside is left clean and free of debris/rubbish so you need to arrange a clean up crew before the party and let us know you have arranged this in advance.
We are permitted to have up to 12 late licences per calendar year which allow us to stay open till 2am .
We want to try and spread out the parties with a late licence evenly through the year so limit these roughly to 3 per quarter. If you want to request one then let us know via email when booking your party. We’ll confirm around 1-2 months before the party. The earlier we know the better, to help us plan and consider all requests, we need at least 2 weeks notice to apply for the licence. Late licences also need to be approved by the marina office- which the committee will do on your behalf, please do not speak to the office yourself.
If there are more than 3 requests per quarter then we’ll ask people to club together and share their party/date. Parties can still go ahead with our normal closing times.
If we still end up over subscribed then we will prioritise based on:
Prospective income from the party (based on approx. nos attending)
People who do shifts at the bar/contribute to the club-house
Once you’ve read and are happy with these basics you can go ahead with making a booking. The process for doing this is as follows:
Once you’ve sorted your membership, send us an email at telling us:
the date of your proposed party
whether you will have any people from outside the marina coming (and if so roughly how many)
If you would like a late licence
Times you need to access the bar from for any set up
Any other requests or things you want to organise (eg DJs, marquees, food, using the pizza oven etc)
When we receive the email, we’ll check the calendar and get back to you within 3 days, letting you know if we have space on that date
If we have space and you want to go ahead you have to pay a small fee of £30 - this goes towards our admin and breakages and any extra ordering we need to do. We’ll send you our account details when we confirm the date is available so you can make the payment.
Once we have received your payment we will enter your details into the calendar to reserve the date for you – and your booking is then confirmed.
Between receiving the payment and the date of your party we will be in touch again to ask you about any special booze requests, food, and to talk to you about security/the gate, decorations, music and cleaning up afterwards etc.
Kids parties are free, and need to be booked in the calendar.
Kids parties should take place outside of normal bar hours, So in the weekend it should be finished by 4pm.
To book, email SLCC or speak to the events committee member with the date and times (including any set up times)
Make sure your membership is up to date
You should arrange a bar volunteer for the party for any adults buying drinks and make sure the space is cleaned up afterwards
Any guests from outside the marina need to pay the £1 guest membership