Do you want to use the clubhouse for an event/workshop/party?

The clubhouse is available for events, workshops, and parties for all members. Parties are really important to the club. It’s a great way for members to be able to use the space, and it generates income for the clubhouse to be able to pay our rent and bills. 

Members can use the bar for small gatherings (birthday drinks etc), these are fine without booking. However, for larger events like parties, booking and advanced notice is required. 

Small gatherings that might need additional things like use of the pizza oven, marquees, opening earlier etc then need prior agreement and booking in the diary. If you're unsure then please speak to a committee member/email us.

We really encourage any events, workshops, talks etc in the club house and may also be able to have these on the non- bar days, Speak to a committee member in the first instance with any ideas.

Parties/events are only confirmed once agreed through the process and in the google calendar.

Click on the headings below to read more about details and how to book.

There is a handful of basic info which is the foundation of how we use the clubhouse for parties: