All members, including management committee members and visiting guests, are expected to be guided by the principles below. This code is not part of the constitution of the club. It should be read in conjunction with the constitution. ‘Club Premises’ means inside the Clubhouse, or on the waterfront outside the Clubhouse and around the benches.
What members can expect:
The SLCC welcomes members and guests regardless of race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, age, gender identity or sexual orientation or disability. The club values the principles of equality between members.
All members have a right to use the Clubhouse, a right to be respected, and a right not to have to endure inconsiderate conduct.
As SLCC members, we should treat each other as we would wish to be treated ourselves; with courtesy, respect, fairness, and integrity.
Parents or carers are responsible for their children’s behaviour. All members should watch out for children’s safety.
Rules on Club Premises:
No one may smoke in the Clubhouse.
No-one under the age of 18 may be supplied with alcohol or consume alcohol on Club premises.
Club and Marina property must be respected.
Anyone breaking these rules will be asked to leave the Club premises.
Behaviour towards other members whilst on Club Premises:-
Members are expected in the first instance to resolve any disputes amicably between themselves without causing disturbance to other members.
Any abusive language, swearing, intimidation, bullying, offensive or aggressive behaviour which is intended to harass or cause distress to another member is completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Normally, anyone breaking this rule will be required to leave the Clubhouse immediately and will have their membership suspended for two weeks - if it is a second offence this will result in a two month suspension and a third offence will result in cancellation of membership for one year.
Any physical assault upon a member will normally result in a cancellation of membership.
Bar tenders may at any time refuse to serve any member or guest and request them to leave if they feel that the member is not behaving in a manner appropriate to the well-being of other club users.